Now battery operated toys at christmas will be a good thing
New batteries with a longer shelf life are on the horizon. Now all your Christams toys will last longer assuming the cheap plastic doesn't crack and break before the nano battery does. The new battery is based on using liquid drops of electrolyte atop "nanograss" that stay dormant until stimulated to flow. So when it's on its definitely on and when its off it's definitely off. However the company putting forward this new idea, MPHASE are not thinking toys but rather defense and medicine. To be honest it's probably just defense. mPhase and Lucent announced an agreement in March 2004, under which mPhase plans to commercialize the nanobattery under license from Lucent. mPhase projects its nanobattery to be commercially available in the next year and a half, and plans to produce the technology packaged in various configurations. A primary development goal is to create a battery which has a shelf life lasting decades, and yet can be activated instantaneously. You can read it here.........
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